Michael O’Meara has great article on secession at The Occidental Quarterly. I see that many regulars here have already found it. This is one of the few occasions in recent weeks where I find nothing to argue with in a piece. There is no quibbling around the edges of the race debate. Instead, O’Meara tackles the central issues head on, and gets right to the point.
White Nationalists are animated by two powerful myths: the myth of White regeneration, and the myth of the White Republic. Objectively, the plight of racialists in the United States has never been worse, but it is precisely in such perilous times that the formative core of great social movements are sown. Dry recitation of facts and figures has never moved the masses. Myths powerful enough to capture the imagination of millions change the course of history. They have the virtue of being immune to rational criticism.
Prerational human instincts are the taproot of White Nationalism: tribalism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, kin selection, altruism. These instincts (which give rise to emotions) are then filtered through the lens of American history (racial conflict between Whites and non-Whites) and combined with the myths mentioned above to reach the final product. The rational arguments that racialists make to justify separatism are secondary considerations. Shorn of their prerational foundations, say, a healthy love of kin, they rarely lead to the desired mythic conclusion.
Myths should not be evaluated on the basis of their truth or falsehood. Instead, they should be analyzed on whether or not they are adaptive. They are works of art, not logical propositions. Does the myth in question lead to the survival and propagation of our group in future generations? If a myth suits us, why savage it with criticism?
More time should be spent articulating the myths of White Nationalism in film and literature. In the early twentieth century, D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation singlehandedly inspired a renaissance of the Ku Klux Klan. At its peak in the mid-1920s, the Second Klan had swollen to 5 million members, about 15% of the nation’s eligible population. It dominated entire states. More recently, William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries inspired a wave of underground White Nationalism in the 1980′s.
This generation has no shortage of material to work with. Unfortunately, no one seems to making 2042, the movie. Why is that?